Most wounds do not heal easily, especially the deeper ones.
However, instead of taking the necessary time to heal, many people bury the hurt and try to avoid the pain. Doing that solves nothing and if you have ever tried to avoid your feelings, you may have realized that it will come out anyways and not in the kindest ways.
The wounds that do not heal right have the potential to become infected. This means that the hurt that you tried to bury may affect your character and the way you perceive situations and your environment. Infected wounds are harder to heal because the roots of the wounds are harder to detect. In addition, the longer the wound stays infected, the harder it is to cure.
Root Searching
The longer the wound eats at you, the harder it is to find the root and know how to heal. However, it is not impossible. In order to search for the root problem to your anger, your depression, or whatever you may be going through, you have be willing to go inside yourself and figure out what you have been hiding from.
You cannot be afraid to spend time in your own mind. Let the emotions that you have buried for so long come out so that the accurate healing process can begin. Do not try to push the pain, guilt, or conflicted consciousness away. Instead, scream it out, cry it out, write it out, dance it out, etc. Find your coping skills and let them guide the poison out of you. Then meditate on how you felt before and after you let go of what was bothering you. Also, through the meditation, figure out what the root situation that caused the negative ripple effects is and figure out other tactics that can help you positively survive through it.
Use your tactics and meditation to help you cope through the healing process as time runs its course. It takes time to help fully heal the hurt, pain, and/or trauma that you have gone through or are going through. Therefore, find a way to let your emotions out and know that you will get through the pain.
Let time heal your wounds the right way
To insure that you do not have to wait for the wounds to get infected in order to deal with them, learn how to confront the wound as soon as it appears in you. Let your emotions out and meditate on what hurt you and how you can ease the pain. Although time still has to run its course, it may not take as long because you caught the wound while it was fresh. Instead of avoiding and distracting yourself away from the pain, you have to embrace it, except how you feel about it, find away to cope with it, then let it go.
Take your days one at a time and find the people and subjects that help positively ease the hurt you feel. Know that you are powerful and you can make it out of any circumstance and do anything you put your mind to. Find the good in the bad days and time will soothe over the wounds.