The Purple Shield

Initiating the Discovery to Love-Divinity

You Have The Strength To Pick Yourself Back Up

Sometimes there is so much pain that the thought of seeing better days seems unbearable.

However, the good days are around the corner.

         Going through hard times can make life and living it seem unfavorable; however, once the good qualities begin to shine through, you will realize how much you have grown and how much strength you have. You just have to allow yourself to see it. 

         Through the darkness there is always a light. It may not always be a big one but a glimpse still counts. The lights are what you have to hold onto through the dark times because it is what will save you. 

         You have the power to find the good in any bad situation and the more lights you find, the less darkness you will be consumed by. The lights are your hope and they are also your coping skills, your talents, your happiness, and anything else that makes you feel love, security, and strength. 

         When you are in a dark place, train your mind to do something that makes you happy. If the things that used to make you happy no longer suffice, then try and experience new activities that you are interested in. In addition, write down and occupy your mind with the good entities that happen everyday. Even the small notions count.

         Spend some time alone so that you can start to coax yourself back into good mental health. Vibe to songs that empower you and do activities that help bring out the positive energy in you. It also helps to be around positive energy and people that you know will make you feel better. 

         In conclusion, you truly have the power and the strength to pick yourself back up; you just have to want it. This means that you have to let go of the victim mentality and the thought that someone outside of yourself is going to be your savior. You have to believe in the lights that will help guide you through the darkness; even if you can not see them yet. Never give up on yourself and never give up on hope. Instead, find the people, objects, and activities that make the dark times a little more bearable. And with each light, you will begin to realize that you do have the strength to pick yourself back up. 

It takes true pain to know true happiness. Do not let the bad times suffocate you because the rainbow will appear at the end of the tunnel.

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