Sometimes it is nice to fall back onto written affirmations when you are in a rough place
Everyone goes through good times and bad times and having a solid source to fall back on during those low points is how you will be able to get back up again. It is not always easy and time does play a huge factor in the healing process; however, there are small steps that make extraordinary differences in those periods of anybody’s life.
One of those small but extremely effective elements is creating a self-love list. The self-love list contains all the things you love about yourself and about who you are becoming. It can be created anywhere and at any time. However, the main step to the process is to take some alone time to create a sincere record of the things you love about yourself.
Your self-love list can be personalized however you want. Nevertheless, these steps are here to help guide you:
Step 1) Take a sheet of neat paper (whatever size you want) and colorful markers or pens that will attract your eyes.
Step 2) Write down the things you love about yourself (the physical, mental, and emotional).
Step 3) Write down the attributes that you are grateful to have.
Step 4) Note the inner factors that contribute to your happiness.
Step 5) Write down the concepts of what makes you who you are and who you are willingly becoming.
Step 6) Hang it up in a place where you can always refer back to it (whether that be in your bedroom, in your office, in your school locker, etc.).
Once your self-love list is made it does not have to stay the same. Sometimes it helps to come back and add more qualities to your list or apply decorations to it. Furthermore, once the first list is complete you can always get another sheet of paper and create another one. In addition, when the hard times come or you start to doubt yourself, your list/lists will be there to help coax you back into the realization of how amazing and wonderful you are.