The Purple Shield

Initiating the Discovery to Love-Divinity

Self-Love 101: Experience and Except Every Part of Yourself

         Have you ever been ashamed of a part of yourself or who you are because you were told it was not right or it did not fit in with your peers/environment? Well it happens to the best of us; however, taking the steps to loving yourself begins with learning, experiencing, and accepting every part of who you are. 

         There is so much that we hide from and try to avoid inside ourselves. Then we have a hard time dealing with the issue when it presents itself as an insecurity. At that point, knowing the root problem to why those insecurities even exist within ourselves lies within us to find out. 

         The way to get rid of those insecurities is to learn and observe every part of yourself. Every time you go through a situation, whether it be good or bad, take the time to reflect on how you felt about the circumstance. Always come back to your center (your self and your mind) and understand yourself through the occurrence. This is the first step to getting to know yourself. In addition, always empower and love yourself through any situation. 

         The second step to peeling away insecurities and finding your core is to try new activities and subjects that you have an interest in. Let go of any emotions that are limiting you from finding another part of yourself in the new concepts or objects that you want to try. After each new experience, come back to your center (your self and your mind) and reflect on what you did and did not like about that experience, how it made you feel, and how it empowered a part of yourself. 

         As you begin to discover different entities of yourself, you have to learn how to except ever part of who you are. Holding back on that acceptance of yourself because of what other people have told you or acted towards you will only bring out your insecurities. In order to get rid of insecurities, shame, guilt, etc.; you have to learn how to prioritize your thoughts, feelings, and character traits. Then you have to be able to except every part of who you are (the good, bad, and ugly) in order to experience the best feeling of self-love and shamelessness you will ever experience. That is step three.   

         Once you begin to experience, except, and love every part of yourself; you will start to realize that you are not and cannot be ashamed or embarrassed by your true self or the actions that reveal who you are. Self acceptance is the key to self love as well as self-discovery. It is also how true love and true friendships begin to get attracted to you. Once you love and except who you are, you will soon discover the people who love and except the real you as well. In addition, through the journey of self love and acceptance, you will be able to start learning how to balance every part of yourself. But first, you must love and accept your true self!

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