The Purple Shield

Initiating the Discovery to Love-Divinity

Stop Being Bothered By Other People or Subjects

Have you ever guided yourself in clear and positive consciousness but there is still that object or person that bothers you and makes you feel negative?

         In most situations, there is always that one person or thing that disturbs even the most positive people. However, getting rid of the negative blocks of how you feel about that person or thing is totally up to you. 

         The key to not letting something or someone bother you is to understand them or it. This method takes patience; however, it is very effective. Do not judge and try to avoid the things and/ or people that cause you to have negative feelings and thoughts because that is not solving the problem. You are only delaying the negativity that will engulf your conscious whenever you see that person or thing again or when someone or something reminds you of it. 

         Instead, put your judgments and reactions aside and try to understand why that person or thing is the way it is. In most cases, this method will allow you to understand that person or thing enough to where they no longer bother you. In addition, do not see their problems or the situations as positive or negative. Instead, understand and except the subject of your bothered state for what it is so that your own consciousness will be cleared and no longer bothered by that person or thing. 

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