Healing Our Community
What African Americans have been through during this past month is the perfect example of how the Black community can come together. However, it is also a perfect example of how a trend of #BLM (Black Lives Matter) can get everyone riled up then as soon as the trend dies, so does the community’s enthusiasm and unity. Then we wonder why the same thing continues to happen to use over and over again with racism and unjust killings.
The secret to solving this problem is us as an African American Community. If we cannot set the standards for ourselves then anyone has the opportunity to control us and most of us won’t even recognize the restraint for what it is.
Our Oppressor's Method: Divide and Conquer
For them, it is not that hard because we continue to stay divided as a community. The only time they have to rethink their strategy is when a hate crime homicide takes place by an authority figure of the oppressors race. That is when the African American community comes together the most. However, the root problem continues to go unsolved and it will not be solved until the Black community can come together and organize, regroup, and strategize under any circumstance; even the good ones.
Healing our community starts with African Americans fighting for each other everyday, not just when an unjust act occurs. What good does our protests and riots do if we don’t even look like we are fighting for ourselves consistently? There are a lot of good programs out there for the Black community; however, we have to do more.
The Hatred Towards Each Other Has To Stop
The easiest way for the Black community to be divided then conquered is if we are already divided, and we are…
The hatred and violence towards our black brothers and sisters is exactly what our oppressors want us to do. We are exactly where our oppressors want us at because most of the Black community is stuck on surface drama instead of looking at the bigger picture. Every time a black brother kills another, we are doing the white man’s job. We are slowly tearing down our community with every bullet that kills our own and with every song that talks about it. It is so embroidered into our mindset and subconscious that we think this is how we have to live and survive.
Until We Come Together Through Love, We Will Always Be Oppressed
The George Floyd killing that sparked the 2020 protests was a small example of the power the Black community harvests when we work together and not against each other. Even rival gangs came together in some areas to fight against the real enemy of racism. Therefore, that is how we have to stand up for each other all of the time. African Americans as a community have to come together and put all differences aside to fight the spirit of evil that inhabits the horrible and chaotic force of racism. We have to think deeper as a community and we have to think as ONE!
However, the Black community will never get there with the mindset that we possess. We have to change our thinking towards each other and we have to change our thinking towards ourselves.
At the End of The Day It All Comes Back Down To Self-Love
It is a proven scientific theory that when one learns to truly love themselves and except all of who they are, they begin to see the world through the perspective of love. Everyone that the person is surrounded by is an extension of his/herself and when he/she begins to see his/herself as amazing and unmistakable; that person will begin to see their experiences and the people they are around as the same.
In conclusion, healing our community truly does start with and end with us. We have to see our personal selves through love first, then our community with the same courtesy. This is how the healing starts and it is how we will learn to set standards and strategies as a community.